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The Understated Importance Of Terpenes

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In any discussion of cannabis, you’re likely to come across some mention of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are often identified as the key active ingredients which give hemp and marijuana their effects, the most famous of which are THC and CBD.

However, there is another important class of compounds found in the cannabis plant: terpenes.

Terpenes aren’t exclusive to cannabis. In fact, they can be found in plants of all descriptions, from pine trees to aromatic herbs to common grasses. Even certain species of insects produce terpenes.

For these plants, terpenes perform an extremely vital function. Richly aromatic terpenes help to repel herbivores which might otherwise treat these plants as a tasty snack, while other varieties of terpenes help attract the attention of pollinators such as bees and butterflies, and even act as signals to enlist the aid of helpful predator species which can consume pests that might cause damage to the plant.

It’s not just animals and bugs which find the scent of terpenes attractive, either. If you’ve ever marveled at the delicious scent of essential oil, you’ve experienced the wonders of terpenes first hand

The essential oils used in aromatherapy and perfumes are rich in terpenes which are the source of their fragrances. Terpenes are even responsible for the aromas and flavors of some of your favorite foods.

As much as your olfactory system might appreciate terpenes, it turns out that these compounds are more than just a delight for the senses. New research into terpenes suggests that they may have beneficial effects when consumed.

Terpenes, Cannabis, and CBD Oil

Terpenes, Cannabis, and CBD Oil

The cannabis plant is rich in terpenes, containing potentially hundreds of different terpenes which give the cannabis plant its distinctive aroma.

Every “strain” of cannabis contains a unique profile of terpenes and cannabinoids. These complex chemical profiles contribute to the wide variety of different aromas and effects which cannabis plants exhibit. 

These unique terpene profiles are often responsible for the distinctive smells and the unique names given to various cannabis plants. And these terpenes aren’t just limited to the marijuana world. The hemp used to produce CBD oils are just as rich with terpenes as any strain of marijuana.

Terpenes are produced in the same parts of the cannabis plant which are responsible for the bulk of cannabinoid production. As a result, when hemp plants are processed to extract cannabinoids like CBD, the resultant extracts are rich in terpenes.

Rather than being a simple byproduct, these terpenes may actually be playing a vital role in CBD oil to support the user's wellness. 

If you’ve shopped for CBD at all, you may have come across the terms “Full Spectrum” and “Isolate.” CBD products labeled “Isolate” use a purified form of CBD where all other cannabinoids and terpenes have been removed, leaving nothing but 100% pure CBD.

“Full Spectrum” products, on the other hand, use hemp oil which still contains all of the cannabinoids and terpenes extracted from the hemp plant.

For many users, this “Full Spectrum” CBD oil is the preferred product. While this an issue which requires further scientific study, many users anecdotally report a variety of differences between using “Full Spectrum” and “Isolate” CBD oils, a difference which could come down to not only the extra cannabinoids, but also to the unique blends of terpenes these oils contain.

The potential benefits of “Full Spectrum” CBD oils do have some scientific backing, as well. The so-called “Entourage Effect” is a theory that suggests that it is the unique combination of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other trace elements which are the source of many of the effects exhibited by cannabis.

The Entourage Effect has gained credence as scientists try to pick apart the cannabis plant on a molecule by molecule basis. Often, laboratory results on testing a single component of cannabis don’t produce the expected effects, while less refined extracts that contain a variety of cannabinoids and terpenes showcase effects which no single compound seems to be responsible for.

Terpene Benefits

Terpene Benefits

Terpenes aren’t exclusively produced by the cannabis plant. Many of the same terpenes which are common to cannabis can be found in a wide variety of plants and foods. 

Completely independent of their association with cannabis, many of these terpenes have been studied for their potential benefits.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most common terpenes found in cannabis and the science behind their potential effects. Note that every cannabis strain is unique and will contain varying quantities of these terpenes -- some may not contain the listed terpenes at all, or only contain them in minute trace quantities.

As we review these effects, it’s important to note that while scientists have identified these potential benefits in laboratory tests of these terpenes, that does not necessarily suggest that ingesting CBD oils or similar products will produce any of these effects. 

Don’t Underestimate Terpenes!

Don’t Underestimate Terpenes!

Aside from the potential effects which scientists have investigated for individual terpenes, the unique way these terpenes interact with each other and with the cannabinoids may also produce unique effects.

It’s this intricate symphony of cannabinoids and terpenes that gives cannabis and CBD oil its many effects.

If you’re hoping to experience the effects of a terpene-rich CBD product yourself, it’s important to buy Broad Spectrum CBD oil products, which keep all of these potentially beneficial terpenes intact and deliver them along with a dose of CBD and other trace cannabinoids.

FAQ On Terpenes 

What are Terpenes in CBD?

Terpenes are natural compounds that are found in cannabis plants. Terpenes are responsible for a number of things, from the plant’s color, scent and flavor.

Do Terpenes get you high?

Terpenes are more known for the way they enhance scents and flavors. On their own, terpenes are not able to get you high, but research has shown that when consumed in conjunction with THC, terpenes can enhance the high and reduce common side effects.



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